Oscar & Jumbo Cichlid Community
SKU: H768

Oscar & Jumbo Cichlid Community

In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order

Product Details

Oscars and Other Large Cichlids Community

Why Keep Them? Large Oscars are a true personality fish that can learn to recognize their owners. They grow to be a maximum size of 12" and their life span is about 10-20 years. They are hardy and adaptable, making it a good fish for beginners.

How Many? Oscars should be kept either as singles, pairs, or groups. When keeping in pairs, you must watch as they mature that you have not ended up with two males,as males will become more territorial as they age, and increased aggression may be displayed. When keeping in groups, watch for the same kind of aggression between two males.

Housing: This community is suitable for tanks 75 gallon or more with proper filtration and heating. If keeping more than one Oscar, a 120 gallon is advised.  These fish are messy feeders so use one or two large power filters with a supplemental air pump. Plastic plants are best because these fish may uproot live plants.But the addition of floating plants like Salvinia, Frogbit, or Red Root Floater may provide a more natural look and they shouldn't be disturbed by the oscars movements. If fish get too big or if there is extreme fighting, you can return them to our store.

Temperature:  75-80 F pH: 74-80 F
Feeding: Feed once a day with standard foods such as Cichlid sticks, brine shrimp, plankton, bloodworms, and krill. If keeping catfish, make sure to feed algae wafers as well.

Adding New Cichlids: Once a tank is established with South American Cichlids the addition of new Cichlids should be done with care. Cichlids are territorial and will see other cichlids as a threat. You may have better luck with non threatening fish like catfish, sharks, giant danios or silver dollars. When you first add cichlids add a group of similar size and let them grow up together.

Below is a list of some other possible fish that may go with your Oscar(s), This list is subject to change depending on size of your fish, size of your aquarium, and the overall temperament of your fish. Some oscars are very tolerant of others, and they live their life happily alongside other fish. While others may display increased aggression towards other tankmates and prefer to be alone. Stop into our store today and speak with a sales associate, we would be happy to help you find the best possible fit for your aquarium.

Barbs: Large Rosy Barb, Tinfoil Barb, Filament Barb. (Keep in groups)

Catfish: Plecostomus Catfish, Shovelnose Catfish, Synodontis Catfish. Cichlids: Green Terror, Jack Dempsey, Managuense Cichlid, Firemouth.

Eels: Large Fire Eel.

Knifefish: Large African Knife, Clown Knife.

Danios: A group of large Giant Danios may add activity and cut down on fighting.

Sharks: Black Shark, Red Tail Shark, Red Rainbow Shark, Large Roseline Sharks.
Other Fish: Head Standers, Silver Dollar, Leporinus, Polypterus.
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