Fire Eel - small
SKU: 544

Fire Eel - small

out of stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $46.99

Product Details

Fire Eel    ( Mastacembelus erythrotaenia)

A very colorful eel.

Housing: Juveniles can be kept in tanks of 30 gal or more.  Adults should have tanks of 75 gal or more.   Keep the tank well covered as they may jump.   Provide hiding spots such as rocks or plastic logs. Provide a soft substrate as they often dig into the gravel.  They spend the day at the tank bottom.  Temperature 75-80

Grows to 18"
How Many?- best kept as singles

Tank Mates:  compatible with fish of similar size.   Give them a large tank with some hiding spots and you can keep them with fish of similar size such as Silver Dollars, Tin Foil Barbs, Plecostomus Catfish, Large Gouramis/

Feeding:  feed frozen bloodworms, and tubifex worm, brine shrimp.   Adults can be given earthworms. They are most active in evening.  Sometimes they will accept freeze-dried krill.

Native to Southeast Asia.
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