Jack Dempsey Cichlid , Small
SKU: 392

Jack Dempsey Cichlid , Small

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $6.99

Product Details

Jack Dempsey   (  Cichlasoma octofasciatum )

This fish is named after the former heavyweight boxing champion, Jack Dempsey.  It is a very colorful , hardy, and aggressive fish.

Size:  Grows to 12"

How many to buy:  Juveniles can be purchased in groups of similar sized dempseys.  Adults  should be purchased as singles.  If the tank is very large (100 or more) you can keep a couple of adults.

Housing:  Adults require a large tank of 75 gallon or more.  Juveniles can be kept in smaller tanks until they grow.  They will destroy live plants so decorate with plastic plants.  Rocks and hiding spots should be provided. Temperature 70-80.

Tank Mates:  Dempseys can be very territorial.  They should be kept by themselves or in a tank with other aggressive fish.  Tank mates may include similar size severums cichlids, convict cichlids, tin foil barbs, plecostomus catfish and other South American Cichlids.  Larger tanks with plenty of rocks will provide the best housing to prevent fighting.

Behavior:   They are capable of rapid color changes from gray to black. They are very colorful when in prime condition.  Adults sometimes defend territories by locking jaws

Feeding:   They will accept a wide variety of foods.  We use Tetra Pro Crisp Flakes, and Cichld Sticks.  Also feed Cichld pellets, krill, brine shrimp

Natural Habitat:  Central America
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