Red Tail Shark
SKU: 911

Red Tail Shark

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Price: $4.99

Product Details

Red Tail Shark     (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor)

The Red Tail Shark is a hardy bottom dwelling fish.   They are called sharks because of their high dorsal fin and body shape that resembles saltwater sharks.

Grows to: 4.5"

Housing: The Red Tail Shark is a  bottom dweller.  They should be provided rocks and caves in order to stake out a territory.   They do not harm live plants so you can use live or plastic plants.   In an aquarium they are tolerant of standard aquarium conditions as long as the water is well filtered and partial water changes are conducted regularly.   (Temperature: 74-80)  (pH is 6.8-7.5)  The Red Tail shark is known to jump so the aquarium should have a tight fitting cover.    Small sharks can be kept is a 20 gallon tank.  Adult sharks should have at least a 55 gallon.

Tankmates: Young specimens are can be mixed in community tanks with active fish of similar size.  As they grow they will stake out a territory and may fight other members of their own kind. It is best to keep only one Red Tail Shark, or one Red Rainbow Shark per tank, unless the tank is large. Groups of two are not recommended, but groups of 3 or more often work for a while when they are small.  A partial list of tankmates may include gouramis, barbs, danios, rainbowfish, swordtails, clown loach, silver dollars, kribensis cichlids, corydoras cats, plecostomus cats.    Adult sharks can be kept as single specimens with larger fish as long as they have plenty of hiding spots.  Tank size should be 20 gallons or more for small specimens.

Feeding:  They will accept a variety of foods.  Feed flakes, small pellets, freeze-dried, frozen foods, and algae wafers.  In the store we feed TetraPro flakes, Tetra Color Bits, and bloodworms.

Growth/ Color:  Sharks will quickly turn color when frightened.  A small shark put in a community tank may reach about 5" after 1 year.

Natural Habitat:  Thailand
Availability:  We usually have small and medium size specimens in stock
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