Silver Dollar
SKU: 922

Silver Dollar

out of stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $7.99

Product Details

(Beginners?- yes)(Grows to - 5")(Temp- 72-80)(How many?- Best in groups) Silver Dollars have many desirable characteristics.  They are a good choice if you are looking for an active, peaceful fish that will swim out front in larger tanks.   They are compatible with other active fish of similar size. They are a herbivore, and will eat aquarium plants.  Feed flakes, and small pellets with greens. They are quick growers.  (Metynnis sp.)

Housing-  Open swimming room in front with tall plants or decorations in rear.  They will eat live plants so the tank should be decorated with plastic plants.   Tank size should be 30 gallon or more.  Adults may need larger tanks.

Tankmates-  They mix with a wide variety of fish.   They are peaceful, active and hardy. Not aggressive even towards smaller fish.  They are capable of defending themselves against fish that are somewhat larger fish. Silver dollars mix well with swordtails, moons, large tetras, red tail sharks, gouramis, catfish, tiger barbs, tin foil barbs, rosy barbs, giant danios,  kribensis cichlids, jurupari cichlids, blood parrots, and other mild-mannered  cichlids of similar size.

Silver Dollars in large tanks with Cichlids:   If your tank is large enough ( 100 gallon or more) you should be able to mix Silver Dollars with some larger Cichlids such as Oscars.
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