Product Details
Tiger Shovelnose Catfish ( Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum )
Grows to 48"
General: An interesting cat that swims with its head down. They are slow moving and like to hide during the day.. Best kept in a large tank (75-220 gallons) with hiding spots, open swimming areas and tall plants. In nature these fish can grow up to 5ft in length. Temperature 76-84.
Tank Mates: Some suggested tank mates include Silver dollars, large gouramis, Tin Foil Barbs, Annostomus, Red Tail Chalceaus. Do not mix with fish it can swallow
Feeding: They will usually learn to eat frozen krill and other frozen meaty foods. Also try catfish tablets. Will also eat live feeder fish. They will not eat flake food.
Availability: We get various types of shovelnose catfish in periodically.
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