Kribensis Community Tank
SKU: H742

Kribensis Community Tank

In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order

Product Details

Kribensis Cichlid in a community tank

Why Keep Them?  This community is built around the popular Kribensis Cichlid.  They are popular because they are hardy, colorful, stay out front, and are relatively "mild-mannered" for a Cichlid.  They fit into a variety of community tanks. They can adapt to tanks with peaceful active fish and can hold their own in a little more boisterous tank.  They do not grow large so therefore they can live in tanks of 15 gallons or more.

Tank Conditions:  Provide proper filtration and heating. Use a power filter with a supplemental air pump.  They stay near the bottom so provide some rocks, plants, or driftwood toward the bottom rear.  Provide an open area in the front.

Water Conditions:
Temperature: 70-80  pH: 6.8-7.6

Feeding:  Feed twice a day.  Feed Cichlid sticks, flakes or pellets. Supplement with some frozen krill or plankton or mysis shrimp.

Tank Mates:   Here are a few suggestions of fish to mix with Kribensis

Kribensis Cichlids: (Pelvicachromis pulcher)  Adult size is about 3.5" They do best in groups of three or more. Kribensis are not particularly aggressive for a Cichlid. They will defend a territory when spawning, but typically their territories are small and are located at the bottom of the tank. Mid-water and top dwellers are generally left alone.

Gouramis:  Blue, Snakeskin, Gold, Kissing.

Sharks:  Red Tail, Rainbow, Tri Color, Roseline.

Rainbowfish:  Rainbowfish of similar size.

Danios:  Giant danios (in groups), other larger danios.
Barbs:  Tiger, Rosy, most other barbs.

Catfish:  Most catfish will be fine including bristlenose plecostomus,synodontis, and corydoras.

Tetras:  Large tetras in groups  (Black Tetra, Congo, Colombian Red Fin, Serpae)

Loaches: Stick with smaller loaches like Kuhli Loaches, as they will keep to themselves, while other loaches like Botia may become semi aggressive towards the Kribensis as they get larger.
Eel: Spiny Eel as they stay smaller

Others:  Silver Dollar, Swordtails and large Mollies.

Avoid:  Do not mix Kribensis with Malawi Cichlids or extremely aggressive cichlids.

Breeding:  Kribensis are one of the easier Cichlids to breed.  Check the available literature.  Mature females have a more rosy abdomen and brighter colors.
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