Gold Barb
SKU: 140

Gold Barb

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $3.99

Product Details

(Beginners?- yes)(Grows to: 3")(Temp: 65-80)(How many?-best in groups of 5 or more)  A peaceful and hardy barb which can be mixed with most tetras. Colors show up best when purchased in a small group.  Feed a variety of dry and frozen foods. Tolerant of cooler water. ( Puntius semifasciolatus)

The gold barb is a very popular color variant of the China Barb, a fish that has less dramatic color and is not seen in aquariums as often as its gold counterpart.  They are hardy, colorful, peaceful, and active fish suitable for beginners.
Housing: Provide plenty of swimming room as well as some bushy plants around  the sides and back of the aquarium for hiding.  They look best on a dark substrate.  They swim in the mid to bottom region of the tank.  They enjoy a strong water current and are tolerant of cooler water temperatures.  Minimum tank size is about 20 gallons. (Temperature- 64-78),  (pH 6.0-7.5)

Tank mates: They are peaceful fish that should be kept with other peaceful fish of similar size.  Good tank mates may include other barbs, rasboras and danios of similar size.  In addition many gouramis, swordtails, catfish and angels will make suitable tank mates.

Feeding:  A very hardy eater that will accept a variety of foods.  Feed flakes as well as brine shrimp, spirulina-based foods, and frozen foods. They are omnivorous.

Natural Habitat:  Southeastern China, Vietnam, Laos.They have also been introduced into Singapore and Hawaii.  Fish sold at Elmer's are domestically raised.

Males and Females:  Male may have red fins and belly, especially during breeding.  Females may appear slightly duller in color.
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