Kribensis Cichlid
SKU: 401

Kribensis Cichlid

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $14.99

Product Details

(Beginners?- yes)(Grows to-3.5")(Temp-75-80)(How many?- 2 or more) This fish has many desirable characteristics.  It is a very hardy, mild-mannered, West African Cichlid.  They do not dig like other cichlids and are not very territorial. They will mix in many community tanks, including tanks with barbs, gouramis, swordtails, and small  Cichlids.   Adult females have red patch near abdomen. (Pelvicachromis pulcher)

Diet:  Like most Cichlids they will accept a variety of foods such as Cichlid pellets, Cichlid flakes, frozen foods, plankton, krill.  Feed young fish 2-3 times daily.  Adults can be fed 1-2 times a day.
Breeding: They are easy to breed.  It is a shelter spawner.  Females are usually smaller with more rounded dorsal and they have a more brilliant red patch near their abdomen.

Tank Size: 10 gallon or more.

Other Color Varieities:   The Albino Kribensis is sometimes available.
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