Checkered Barb
SKU: 136

Checkered Barb

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $4.99

Product Details

(Beginners?- yes)(Grows to- 2")(Temp- 72-80)(How many?- 3 or more, best in groups of 5 or more.)  One of the smaller barbs. They are very hardy and can be kept in tanks of 10 gal or more.  A peaceful fish that mixes well with most tetras and livebearers.  Feed a variety of dry and frozen foods like tetra pro and frozen bloodworms. (Puntius oligolepis)

Housing: Provide plenty of swimming room as well as some bushy plants around the sides and back of the aquarium for hiding.  They look best on a dark substrate.  They swim in the mid region of the tank and enjoy a moderate water current.  Minimum tank size is about 10 gallons. A long tank is preferable. (Temperature- 68-79),  (pH 6.0-7.2)

Tank mates: They are active fish that should be kept with other active fish of similar size.

Feeding:  They will accept a variety of foods.  Feed flakes as well as brine shrimp, spirulina-based foods, and frozen foods. They are omnivorous. Checkerboard barbs will show their best color after you have owned them for a few months and have given them a good diet.

Natural Habitat:  Sumatra and Indonesia.   Fish sold at Elmer's are domestically raised.
Males and Females:  Adult males have red fins with black tips.

Other Names: Island Barb
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