Assorted Molly
SKU: 2712

Assorted Molly

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Price: $5.99

Product Details

Molly Care Tips

Mollies are peaceful, lively fish that grow up to 3"  Most Mollies available in the aquarium hobby are hybrids of the Sailfin Molly (poecilia latpina) and the Sphenops Molly (poecilia sphenops).  They are a livebearer, and easy to breed.

Housing:   An aquarium of  15 gallons or more is recommended.  Give them bushy plants in the back and an open swimming room in the front.  Plastic plants can be used but live plants are best.  Live plants will provide hiding spots for babies.    In nature mollies often inhabit brackish water so the addition of some aquarium salt is beneficial.  We recommend one tablespoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons.   For best results use Seachem Livebearer salt, which we sell in our store.  Mollies like warmer water so keep the temperature 75-82. (pH- 6.8-8.2).

Mollies in Brackish Water Tanks:  Mollies will tolerate higher levels of salt.  They can mix with brackish water fish such as Celebes Rainbows, Scats, Orange Chromide Cichlids,  Columbian Sharks,  Figure Eight Puffers and Archers.

Livebearer only Tank:  A nice way to keep mollies is a livebearer specialty tank. The tank would include a group of mollies, moons, swordtails and guppies.  Maintain bushy plants, keep some salt in the water and keep the temperature warm.

Live plants with Mollies?  Mollies are great in  planted aquariums.   Choose plants with a higher tolerance for salt such as  Java Fern, Anubias, Vallisneria.

Feeding:  Mollies and other livebearers should be fed small frequent feedings.  Feed flakes, brine shrimp, bloodworms, and small pellets (Tetra Bits).  They are omnivores and  some greens in their diet are important. A spirulina based flake food will provide greens.

Breeding:  Mollies are easy to breed.  They are livebearers and give birth to 20-30 fry.  Males have a spiked gonopodium fin.  Males are usually also smaller, slimmer, and may have a higher dorsal fin.  Check available aquarium literature for information on breeding mollies.

Tankmates: Keep with other small peaceful fish. Some good tankmates include Tetras, Moons, Swordtails,  White Clouds, small Angels.  The males like to chase females around so it is best to mix one male for each 2 or 3 females. Larger mollies will also thrive in a larger community tank with active, larger fish such as Barbs, Gouramis, medium sized Angels, Sharks, catfish and Silver Dollars.

Natural Range:  Mollies are native to Central / South America.  All mollies we sell are domestically bred, and some of the mollies you see at our store are locally bred.
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