Community Tank Tips - Peaceful Tetra Community
SKU: H722

Community Tank Tips - Peaceful Tetra Community

In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order

Product Details

Hardy Tetra Community Aquarium

Why Keep Them?    Tetras represent a large group of popular aquarium fish, and many of them make great choices for a beginner's community tank.  Many tetras are active, colorful, hardy and get along well with other tank mates.

Tank Size:   This community is our most popular community tank for beginners with tanks of 10 to 55 gallons.  While 10 gallon is the minimum size you should have better success with at least a 20 gallon.

Housing:   Filtration should include an AquaClear power filter with a supplemental air pump and  sponge filter.   Most fish in this community like to swim in the middle water layers.  Provide some bushy plants (live or plastic) toward the rear of the tank, and leave the front open for

Water Conditions:   Temperature 74-80.   pH- (6.6-7.4)

Live Plants:  Live plants are highly recommended for this community, but not required.   Live plants will help bring out the best coloration and behavior in these fish as well as maintain optimal tank conditions.

Feeding:  Feed this community two to three small feedings per day.  Feed flakes, small pellets, and some assorted frozen foods such as mysis shrimp for the most nutrition.

How Many?  Tetras, Danios, Rasboras, Barbs, Moons and Swordtails are best in groups of  3 or more.

Fish we left out of this list below :   Here are some fish we kept out of the list above because either they may be too small and calm to compete with the more active tetras, or they are not very beginner friendly.  Cardinal Tetra, Neon Tetra, Rummynose Tetra, Hatchetfish, Emerald Rasbora, Ram Cichlids, Galaxy Rasbora.
Suitable choices for this community tank:  Below is a partial list of some smaller peaceful fish that should be suitable for a community tank based on popular tetras.

Choose other fish of similar size and temperament. Our staff can help you find them in our store.   Bigger tanks allow you to add more species.
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