Community Tank Tips - Neon Tetra Community Tank
SKU: H720

Community Tank Tips - Neon Tetra Community Tank

Here are a few tips to create a peaceful community aquarium with Neon Tetras and other small peaceful fish.

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Why Keep Neon Tetras?  Neons are one of our most popular fish.  They are colorful, active and very peaceful.  For success with Neons you must plan the for the right setup and tankmates.  They are not appropriate for community tanks with larger, more aggressive fish that may scare or harass them.    Neons are schooling fish and do best in groups.  Keep them in groups of at least 3.  Groups of 6, 12 or more is even better.

Housing:  This community is for tanks 10 gallon and up.  The tank should have a power filter and heater.  Supplement the power filter with a small air pump.  Temperature range:  70-76.  pH- (6.6-7.2).  Stable water conditions are important.  Add SeaChem pH Neutral with each partial water change to stabilize pH, but not required.  To bring out the best coloration use a dark background.  If you have a new tank, operate the tank at least one week and add a biological starter before you add neons.   We do not advise Neons in any tank smaller than 10 gallons.

Live Plants:  Live plants are not required, but are highly recommended. Live plants will create a more natural looking system and these fish love to swim and dart among live plants. Combine live plants with some decorative driftwood for a great looking tank.   Tetras like to swim in the middle water layers.  Provide some bushy plants toward the rear of the tank, and leave the front open for swimming.

Feeding:  Fish this community two to three small feedings per day. They have small mouths so use a soft flake food or small pellets designed for small fish.  Frozen Mysis are a great supplement. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Tank Mates:  Here are some choices.

1. Small Peaceful Tetras:   Many of these fish are great choices for beginners because they are very hardy:  Glowlight Tetra,  Flame Von Rio Tetra, Bleeding Heart Tetra, Pristella Tetra, Black Phantom Tetra,  Red Phantom Tetra,  Silver Tip Tetra, Lemon Tetra, Red Eye Tetra, Gold Tetra, Diamond Tetra, Emperor Tetra.  Keep in groups of 3 or more.
2. Peaceful Rasboras:  Harlequin Rasbora, Dwarf Emerald Rasbora, Emerald Eye Rasbora.

3. Peaceful Barbs:  Cherry Barb, Gold Barb, Checkered Barb.  Some barbs are sometimes considered fin nippers, but these small barbs are peaceful.

4. Small Gouramis:  Dwarf Gouramis, Honey Gouramis.  These peaceful and slow moving gouramis mix well with small fish.   Gourmis enjoy tanks with live plants to make them fell more secure.

5.  Peaceful top dwellers:  Hatchetfish
6.  Catfish:  Corydoras Cat, Bristlenose Plecostomus, Glass Cat, Farlowella Cat, Banjo Cat, Otocinclus Cat

7.  Loaches:  Kuhli Loach, Sumo Loach, Sidthimunki Botia

8. Others:  White Clouds, Guppies,  Moons.

9.  Other Livestock:  Dwarf African Frog, Cherry Shrimp, Nerite Snail.

10. Other peaceful fish, , but not as "beginner friendly" :  Cardinal Tetras, Rummynose Tetras, Chocolate Gouramis.
11.  If  you have a big enough tank  (30 gal up)  The larger your tank the more varieties of fish you may be able to include.  Tanks that are 30 gallon or more with plenty of plants could include some of the more active Tetras, such as Black Skirt Tetras, GloFish Tetras, Bloodfin Tetras, Serpae Tetras. In larger tanks you could also include  Clown Loaches,  Zebra Danios, Gold Barbs, Scissortail Rasbora, Brilliant Rasbora.

12.  Avoid :  Fish that grow large, or very active  fish that could nip fins including:  Angels, Tiger Barbs, Rosy Barbs.       Bettas are also a bad choice to mix with neons.
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The list below shows some of the fish mentioned above:
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