Rummy Nose Tetra
SKU: 1009

Rummy Nose Tetra

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $6.99

Product Details

(Beginners?-no)(Grows to-2.5")(Temp-74-82)(A schooling fish, best in groups of 3 or more.) A lively, peaceful fish, best kept with other small, calm fish.  Has a pretty red color to nose; (pH 6.4-6.8) More sensitive to water quality than many other tetras.  (Hemigrammus bleheri)


Hobbyist Level:  A challenging fish that is not beginner friendly..

Housing: Provide plenty of swimming room as well as some bushy plants for hiding.  They look good with a dark substrate.  They swim in the mid to bottom region of the tank.  They are intolerant of poor water conditions and their color will fade and not return unless water quality is improved. Minimum tank size is about 10 gallons. (Temperature- 74-82),  (pH 5.6-7.0, 6.4 being ideal)    They are more sensitive to water quality than many other tetras,  and are sometimes the first fish to succumb when water quality is less than ideal.

Feeding:  They will accept a variety of foods.  Feed flakes, along with brine shrimp and frozen foods.  Tetras will show their best color after you have owned it for a few months and have given them a good diet.  They are an omnivore.

Natural Habitat:  Brazil.

Males and Females:  Females may appear more round bodied when plump with eggs.
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