Fresh/Brackish Eel Care Tips
SKU: H778

Fresh/Brackish Eel Care Tips

In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order

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Freshwater & Brackish Eels
General: Eels make interesting additions to a community tank, or a nice show fish in a specialty type tank.

Compatibility: Keep with fish of similar size. Can be kept as singles or in groups of two or more, but suitable with medium sized fish. They are most active at night.

Housing: Most are secretive fish and try to avoid light. Provide rocks and hiding spots so that they can hide during the day. Keep the tank tightly covered because they are jumpers. Sand bottom is recommended as gravel can cause skin abrasions.

Feeding: For success with freshwater eels, special attention should be given to their feeding. Feed once a day. Most will not eat flake food, and they should be offered frozen or live brine shrimp. Supplement occasionally with frozen plankton, frozen bloodworms, chopped worms or Formula 1. Large eels will eat guppies. Since most are nocturnal feeders, we recommend that twice a week you feed after you turn the lights off. Remove any uneaten food the next morning. Adding SeaChems Garlic Guard to frozen food will help entice en eel and help them find their food. Eels have very poor eyesight, and they rely in their keen sense of smell to find their food.

Tank Size: If you are keeping any species of eel other than the Spiney, it is most appropriate to have a tank of 75 gallons and up. Spiney eels can be happily housed in a tank with a minimum size of 30 gallons. Due to the fact that they still get a maximum of 800, a 30 wide, (360x180) is the best minimum size.

Freshwater Eels at Elmers
Spiney Eel (Mastacemelus aculeatus) - Grows to 6-8"
Tire Track Eel (Mastacembelus armatus) - Grows 14-18"
Fire Eel (Mastacemebelus erythrotaenia) - Grows 18-24"
Peacock Eel (Macrognathus siamensis) - Grows 18-24"
Swamp Eel (Monopterus albus) - Grows 20-30"
Brackish Water Eels

Freshwater Moray Eel Gymnothorax polyuranodon - Grows 18-24"
Although called the Freshwater Moray, there truly is no such thing as a freshwater moray eel. The eels that are commonly referred to as freshwater moray eels are much more suited to living in brackish water environments. While they can be found in freshwater in nature at times, the amount of time spent in freshwater is very limited overall.

Appropriate Tank Mates includes larger, or semi aggressive fish. These may include:  Tetras, Barbs, Gouramis, Angelfish, Cichlids, Plecostomus Catfish and Synodontis Catfish, Gars.
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