Brackish Water Tank Tips
SKU: H766

Brackish Water Tank Tips

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Brackish Water Community Tank

What is a Brackish Water Tank?  Brackish fish originate from areas in which freshwater and saltwater meet. Fish that have adapted to these areas typically can tolerate a wide range of salinities.

Housing: Add 2-4 tablespoons of salt per gallon. We advise Seachem Brackish/Livebearer salt or Instant Ocean Marine salt. The salinity should be around 1.010 to 1.015. (The salinity of seawater is 1.025) . Keep pH 7.2-7.8.  Use a marine substrate such as Aragonite sand to help maintain an alkaline pH. Maintain standard filtration and heating.
Decor:  Driftwood and plastic plants create hiding spots.  It is a challenge to grow live plants in a brackish setup.  If you want to try live plants use Java Fern.

Mangrove Plants:  Some interesting displays can be made with the use of Mangrove Plants.

Feeding: Feed 2-3 times a day with standard foods and a variety of quality foods. Use flake foods, frozen mysis shrimp, frozen bloodworms, Formula One, and plankton.

Brackish Water Fish:  Here is a list of some brackish water fish you may see at our store: Be sure to study the individual requirements when you are establishing your tank.

Eels: Freshwater Moray Eel (Gymnothorax tile)
Gobies:  Sand Sifting Sleeper Goby, Knight Goby, Dragonfish Goby, Bumblebee Goby, Purple Spot Goby.
Others:  Pike Livebearer (belonesox), Black Molly, Archer, Flounder. Cichlids: Orange Chromide.
Puffers:  (Typically kept in a species only tank) Spotted Puffer, Figure 8 Puffer
Suitable for smaller tanks: (10 gal or more)  Bumblebee Goby.
Suitable for smaller peaceful tanks:  Black Mollies, Ghost Shrimp, Celebes Halfbeak, Celebes Rainbowfish
Active Fish for Larger Tanks:   75 gal and up:  Mono, Scat, Columbian Shark Catfish.

These species tolerate Light Salt 1.000-1.003
Java Moss
Amazon Sword
Indian Fern,/Water Sprite

These species tolerate Low End Brackish 1.000-1.005
Java Ferns
Crinum (Onion plants)
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