Figure Eight Puffer
SKU: 849

Figure Eight Puffer

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $19.99

Product Details

Figure Eight Puffer   (Tetraodon biocellatus)

(Hobbyist Level:  intermediate)

(Adult Size: 5")

(How Many:  singles may be best, but you can keep 2 or more if you give them enough room.)

A fish with lots of personality that will respond to their owner.  A colorful fish, with greenish yellow patterns on their back.
Housing:  These fish should have brackish water.  We recommend  you keep the specific gravity around 1.005- 1.008.   You can measure salt content with a floating hydrometer.   A brackish water tank setup with aragonite based gravel with rocks and plastic plants is recommended.  They are tolerant of hard, alkaline water. (pH 7.6-8.0 Temperature 75-80)

Tankmates: Figure Eight Puffers  are less aggressive than some puffers, but they can be fin nippers.  Some good tankmates can include bumble bee gobies, mollies or orange chromides.  They can not be trusted with small slow moving fish. An ideal setup may be a tank of 15 gal or more to themselves.   Some of our customers have kept them in tanks of 30 gallon or more with tiger barbs and other active fish.  They will eat snails.

Feeding:   Feed bloodworms, mysis shrimp,  plankton, shrimp, squid, frozen meaty foods, worms, live ghost shrimp.  Adults can eat krill. They may not accept flake food.   They like to eat snails and are great for snail control.

Like all members of the Tetraodon family, the figure 8 puffer is capable of inflating itself with water or air when frightened.

* Native Range:  Southeast Asia
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