Mild Cichlid Community Tank
SKU: H738

Mild Cichlid Community Tank

In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order

Product Details

Active Community with Mild-Mannered Cichlids

Why Keep This Community? Here is a group of active and hardy fish for larger tanks. Many of the Cichlids in this community may like to dig, but they are more "mild-mannered" than many other South American Cichlids. This community offers a way to keep some interesting bottom dwellers such as an eel or knifefish.

Housing: These fish can grow large so a good filter system is needed. Some plastic plants and rocks toward the back of the tank are advised. Driftwood makes an attractive decoration and helps to create a more natural environment for your fish.
Temperature: 70-80 F pH: 6.8-7.6

Live Plants: Because they like to dig, live plants are typically not used, use plastic instead. Live plants can be used for feeding.

Feeding: Feed Cichlid sticks, flakes or pellets. Supplement with some frozen krill or plankton.

Tank Mates: Here is a list of some fish you can create a community tank with. The fish should all be of similar size, and should be purchased in larger schools. Stop in to our store today and see a sales associate, we would be happy to help you with your selection process!

Earth Eater Cichlids: These "mild-mannered" Cichlids like to dig.

Geophagus species: Altifrons, Surinamenis, Brasilensis, Steindachneri, Tapajos, Parnaibae.

Satanoperca species: Jurupari, Leucosticta.

Other "Mild" Cichlids: Kribensis, Uaru, Severum, Blood Parrot.

Large Gouramis: Blue, Snakeskin, Gold, Kissing, Moonlight - purchase larger species.

Sharks: Red Tail, Rainbow, Tri Color, Roseline.

Rainbowfish: Large Rainbowfish of similar size. Buy in groups

Danios: Giant danio.

Barbs: Tinfoil Barb - Choose groups of large specimens including Rosy, Tiger, Filament, Odessa.

Catfish: Most catfish will be fine including plecostomus and synodontis.

Loaches: Most any loach or botia that is large enough will be compatible.

Eels and Knifefish: A single specimen of most any of these that are the proper size will be compatible.

Polypterus: Most any of these bottom dwellers that are the proper size will be compatible.

Others: Siamese Tiger, Silver Dollar, Prochilodus, Silver Dollars.

Gars: Looking for an unusual top dweller? Hujeta Gar.

Avoid: Do not mix them with larger aggressive cichlids. Do not add small slow moving fish to this community.
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