Jurupari Cichlid
SKU: 398

Jurupari Cichlid

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $39.99

Product Details

Jurupari Cichlid    (Satanoperca jurupari)    old scientific name-(Geophagus jurupari)

A colorful mild-mannered cichlid that likes to dig.   They are members of the genus geophagus which include several mild-mannered South America Cichlids.   They are also called the Earth Eater Cichlid

*  Hobbyist Level:  beginner

*  Adult Size:  8"

* How Many:   They can be kept as singles or groups

*  Housing:   Juveniles should have a tank of 30 gal or more,  adults 55 gal or more.  Provide rocks and cover.  They like to dig in the gravel in search of food, but their digging is not disruptive.
(Temperature 75-80.  pH 6.5-7.5)

* Tankmates:  These cichlids are relatively mild mannered.   Keep them with fish of similar size and they will adapt to a variety of community tanks. Some tankmates include larger gouramis, sharks, silver dollars, catfish, kribensis, severums, blood parrot cichlids.   They can also fend for themselves in tanks with more aggressive fish such as oscars and firemouth cichlids.  We have found they seem to fit into more varieties of community tanks than any fish we sell.  Just do not put them in tanks with small slow moving fish.  They do not require salt in their water, but a small amount is beneficial.

*  Feeding:  They will accept a variety of foods.  Flakes, pellets, frozen and freeze-dried foods.  Feed adults 1-2 times a day.  In nature they dig into the muddy substrate in search of food.  You will find them doing the same in your aquarium.

* Native Range:  South  America   The fish we sell are domestically bred.
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