Guppy Community Tank
SKU: H721

Guppy Community Tank

In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order

Product Details

Why Keep Them?  A tank of guppies can make a beautiful community tank. They are active, colorful and do not hide.  You can mix different color varieties.  With the right conditions they will give birth to live babies.

How many:  Guppies should be kept in groups.  You can mix different types of guppies in the same tank.

Housing Them:   Guppies can be kept in tanks as small as 10 gallon.   Tanks of 15-20 gallons are very good choices.  Equipment can include an outside power filter, air pump with airstone, heater, and an LED light.   When you first set up your tank add a biological starter (Fritz-zyme) and stock fish slowly to the new tank.

Ideal tank with plants:  An ideal setup would include a variety of guppies mixed with a few corydoras, or some other small peaceful fish.  Guppies enjoy swimming among plants, and for best results we suggest you keep them in a planted tank.   Keep an area in the front open and put taller plants to the back.  Some floating plants are helpful.   Plants also provide protection for their young.  Guppies swim in the top or middle of the tank

Water Conditions:   Temperature  6.6- 7.8  Temperature 68-78.  A partial water change of 25% every two weeks is advised.   Fancy guppies require excellent water conditions and proper filtration to thrive.
Feeding:  Feed small amounts frequently.   Feed two or three times a day. Soft flake food or small pellets are good.  Frozen Mysis shrimp is a great supplement.  Remove uneaten food with a net or siphon after 10 minutes. Guppies will not eat off of the bottom, so you may add some corydora catfish or nerite snails.

Guppy Males and Females  Males have more color, fancier larger caudal fins, and their anal fin forms into a gonopodium.  For best results keep them in groups with females outnumbering males.

Breeding:  Guppies are livebearers and are easy to breed.  A good choice for beginners to breed.

Avoid:  Do not mix fish that can be fin nippers toward guppies fish such as Tiger Barbs, Bettas, Rosy Barbs, Angelfish, and most Cichlids. Guppies are slow moving so you are best to avoid very active fish such as Zebra Danios and Black Tetras.

Other Tank Mates:  Listed below are examples of some  small peaceful fish that may be suitable to mix with guppies.
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