African Frog Community Tank
SKU: H770

African Frog Community Tank

In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order

Product Details

African Clawed Frogs

Why Keep Them? African Clawed Frogs (Xenopus laevis) are comical and interesting to observe. They can be kept in a small tank by themselves, or in a small community tank with other peaceful fish of similar size.. They are a different species than the Dwarf African frog.

Housing them in by themselves: You can keep a couple small African Clawed frogs in a filtered aquarium of 20 gallons or more. A little larger tank is a better idea . Gravel and decorations are optional- having a bare bottomed tank for african clawed frogs is sometimes easier.

Housing them in a community Tank: These frogs can adapt to a community tank if you plan it right. Small frogs can be kept in a 10 gallon. Large frogs will need tanks of 20 gallons or more. Keep them with fish that they can not swallow. Be sure to have a good cover as they can jump. They are social so two or more is best. The tank should have a filter but avoid strong water currents.

Fun Fact: Their skin produces an antibiotic that heals wounds rapidly, presumably a useful adaptation in the stagnant, microbe filled environment they live in in the wild. (Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute).

Behavior: The African clawed frog spends its entire life underwater. They will remain motionless for long periods of time and then dash about the aquarium. They can be kept as singles, but they are social and like to be in groups of 2 or more.. Frogs must come to the surface periodically to gulp air.

Feeding: Observe them to make sure food gets to them. We sell special pellets designed for frogs. They will also eat pellets, flake food, turtle sticks, freeze-dried Tubifex worms, frozen Mysis shrimp, and frozen krill.

Water Conditions: Frogs are very sensitive to chlorine in tap water so be sure to use a water conditioner.
Temp: 75-8200000000pH: 6.5-7.5

Tank Mates: Choose peaceful fish of similar size. If they out grow small fish you should move them to bigger quarters.

Tetras: Black Skirt Tetra, Bleeding Heart Tetra,Congo Tetra, Black Phantom Tetra, Red Eye Tetra, , Diamond Tetra, Emperor Tetra, Glo Tetra

Rasboras: Brilliant Rasbora, Scissortail Rasbora

Barbs: Cherry Barb, Gold Barb, Rosy Barb, Tiger Barbs, choose smaller specimens

Danios: Zebra Danio, Pearl Danio, Giant Danio

Catfish: , Corydoras Cat, Bristlenose Plecostomus, Plecostomus Cat, Synodontis Cats

Loaches: Kuhlii Loach, Botia, Clown Loach

Others: Moons, Swordtails, Angelfish, Rainbowfish

Gouramis: (20 gal and larger) Blue Gouramis, Gold Gouramis, Pearl Gouramis, Kissing Gouramis

Sharks: Small Red Tail Shark, Roseline Shark, Tri Color Shark

Livestock that are not fish: Mystery Snail.

Live Plants: Frogs will not eat plants but they may uproot them. Plastic plants are often used. If you use live, we suggest hardy plants like Water Sprite, Guppy Grass, Anacharis, Annubias, Java Fern, African Water Fern, or a Marimo Moss Ball.

Small Fish (under 2")? : No. Neons and small tetras may be eaten as the frogs get bigger.

1 African clawed frog. Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. (n.d.).
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