Boesmani Rainbowfish
SKU: 859

Boesmani Rainbowfish

out of stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $17.99

Product Details

Boesemani Rainbowfish   (  Melanotaenia boesemani )

Grows to 4"

A very colorful rainbowfish.  Like all rainbowfish they make a beautiful display when kept in schools of at least six in planted tanks.

Housing:  Provide bushy plants in the back and plenty of swimming room in the front.  They are best in larger tanks.  A 55 gallon or more is recommended.  They are tolerant of a wide range of water conditions.  The hard alkaline water of Western Pa. is very good for them.   (Temperture 70-80.)  (pH 7.0-7.6)  If some morning sun hits the tank you can witness their beautiful morning displays.

Tank Mates:  They are large fish, but peaceful toward most others.  Keep them with other active fish of similar size.  They have small mouths, and will not attack other fish.

How Many?-  Like most rainbowfish they will thrive school in groups.  We recommend six or more.

Feeding- Omnivovorous.   They accept a variety of foods.  Feed flakes, small pellets, frozen and freeze-dried foods.
Other names:  Bicolor rainbowfish.
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