Fancy Goldfish Community Tank
SKU: H764

Fancy Goldfish Community Tank

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Goldfish Community Aquarium
Why Keep Them?  The modern aquarium stocked with fancy goldfish makes a very beautiful addition to any room. Goldfish have been bred in captivity for over 1,000 years. The result of this is a wide variety of colors and sizes of goldfish. Goldfish usually live quite peacefully together. They will entertain you with some incredibly beautiful fins and form. To truly enjoy them, design your tank for goldfish keeping only, and do not mix in tropical fish.

Tank Size: Goldfish are very hardy, just do not crowd them. Give them plenty of swimming room. A minimum of a 40 gallon tank is strongly recommened.
We recommend about 20 gallons of water per goldfish, this will give them enough room to grow, the bigger the tank the better. Long low tanks (16" or lower)  are preferable over extra tall tanks.

Goldfish in small fish bowls?  No. A small fishbowl is a very undesirable place for a goldfish, and success rates are extremely low. If you are looking for a smaller sized tank, try a Nano tank. We do not sell small fish bowls.

Filter: The tank must be kept clean and well filtered. Use a properly sized power filter such as an AquaClear, or a canister filter. A supplemental air pump with a sponge filter is advised.  Fancy goldfish do not like excessive water movement. Water output from filters should be directed away from the center of the tank.

Maintenance: Follow all normal aquarium maintenance procedures like doing a 25% water change at least once monthly. Some goldfish keepers prefer to do several smaller water changes over the span of a month instead of one larger one. Make sure to change filter cartridges regularly, and always ensure that the filter is running properly, as goldfish need more oxygenation than most fish.  The addition of some aquarium salt is helpful, to do so add one tablespoon of aquarium salt for each 5 gallons of water.

pH: 6.8-7.6  Temperature: 60-74
Heater: Goldfish do not require a heater. While some aquarists do put a heater on with their fancy goldfish, they keep it below 75 degrees to ensure comfort for the fish.

Feeding: Goldfish are different from other fish in that they do not have a stomach, rather very long intestines. Due to this, its important that goldfish are fed a high protein diet of at least 40% crude protein in order to ensure proper nutrition. It is also recommend that goldfish are fed sinking foods or if you prefer to feed flakes take the flakes in your hand and sink them under the surface of the water first. This will discourage the goldfish coming to the surface and gulping in air along with their food. Some recommended foods here in our store are Sera Goldy Nature Goldfish Flakes, Sera Goldy Gran Goldfish Granules, Sera Goldy Color Spirulina Color Food, Hikari Goldfish Excel, Goldfish Wheat Germ, Tetra Goldfish Flakes, Crisps, or Granules.

Live Plants: Live plants are optional. Most goldfish communities are decorated with plastic plants toward the rear of the tanks. Goldfish like to nibble on soft leaf plants. If you want to try live plants, choose thick leaf plants like Anubias, Sagittaria, Banana Plants, and Sword Plants. You can supplement their diet with a group of Anacharis plants.

How Many? A rule of thumb is about 15-20 gallons of water per fish. They are social, but not schooling. You can mix different varieties of fancy goldfish with one another. (With the acception of Ryukins, mentioned below).

Varieties of Goldfish: Goldfish come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors. Visit our store to check out our collection. Ryukins (fancy goldfish lacking a dorsal fin) can be a bit more aggressive than other fancy goldfish species, so it is recommended that you do not mix Ryukins with other fancy types.

Goldfish with Tropical Fish? Goldish cannot be mixed with tropical fish. This is due to their different environmental and nutritional needs, and the gentle nature of the goldfish leaves them vulnerable to the more aggressive/active tropical species.
While you cannot mix tropical fish with your goldfish, there are some options listed below that can be wonderful tank mates for your goldfish. These options may be subject to change based on the size of your aquarium and the number of goldfish in it. An associate would be pleased to speak with you and help determine the best possible options for your tank!

Loach: Dojo Weather Loach, Gold Dojo Weather Loach,

Snails: Nerite Snails, Mystery Snails, Trapdoor Pond Snails (Always use caution, if a snail is small enough to fit in a goldfishes mouth, it could be a possible choking hazard.)
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