Dojo Weather Loach
SKU: 735

Dojo Weather Loach

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $10.99

Product Details

(Beginners?-yes)(Grows to-12")(Temp- 64-75), they prefer cooler water. ) A social bottom dwelling fish.  They are suitable for many community tanks. They search for food by sifting through the substrate with their sensitive barbels, and sometimes bury into the sand.  A soft, fine grained substrate is advised.  (Tank size 50+ gal) Feed flakes, frozen shrimp and bloodworms. (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)

Tankmates:  They typically get along with other similar sized fish.  Some good choices for tank mates may include fish that like cooler water such as White Clouds, Zebra Danios, Giant Danios, and Paradise Fish.

These fish will often become restless during periods of barometric change; hence the name "weather fish".

Other Varieties:  The Gold Dojo Loach is also availble.
Some cool water fish that will make good tankmates include paradise fish, white clouds, and most danios.
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