Discus Care Tips
SKU: H760

Discus Care Tips

In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order

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Discus Community Tank
Why Keep Them?   This fish is often called the King of the Aquarium fish because of its beautiful colors and majestic behavior, and Males and Females display the same level of beautiful colors. They also are very long lived, when they are well cared for Discus can live up to 20 years. They are native to South America.   All Discus sold at Elmer's are domestically bred.

Compatibility/ Behavior:  Slow moving, peaceful and shy fish.  Discus are one of the most beautiful tropical fish and should be given a tank designed for their special needs.  They should not be put in a traditional community tank. They are best kept in a "Discus Only" tank.
Tank Conditions: In the wild, Discus are found in still or very slow-moving water ways. This environment also tends to be covered in leaf litter and wood debris. Studies have found that Discus can be found in large schools up to 400 strong. So, it is best to provide a large tank, where you happily house at least 3+ Discus fish. Keep in mind that their maximum size is about 9-10". Providing live plants is essential for these fish to feel comfortable in their tank. Some recommended species are Amazon Sword, Valisneria Gigantea, Water Sprite, Java Fern and Anubias. Keep the water sparkling clean with good filtration, but not too much water flow..  We recommend the use of activated carbon or ChemiPure  in your filter. Do partial water changes (25%)  weekly, or larger water changes once monthly (50%). Optionally, you can soften your water by mixing some freshwater RO (reverse osmosis) water with your source water. Elmer's sells RO water in 5 gallon jugs.

Temperature: 82-88F Nitrates: >10ppm. Nitrites: 0ppm Ammonia: 0ppm pH: 5.5-7.0

Tank size: 40 gal or larger for juveniles, 55 gal or larger for adults.

Feeding:  Pay special attention to feeding.  Feed 2-3 times a day with flake food, discus pellets,  brine shrimp, beefheart, or bloodworms.  We sell some frozen foods designed for Discus.
Tank mates:   Best results are usually achieved when you devote the entire tank to Discus only. But, you can add certain fish to the aquarium with your Discus and have a happy and balanced ecosystem.
Tetra: Cardinal Tetra, Rummynose Tetra, Asian Rummynose Tetra, Ember Tetra.

Cichlids: German Blue Ram, Electric Blue Ram, Gold Ram
Catfish/Others: Siamese Algae Eaters, Otocinclus Catfish, Farlowella Catfish, Sterbai Corydoras (This species of Corydoras doesn't mind the high temperatures), Amano Shrimp, Bamboo Shrimp.
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