Rope Fish (Reedfish)
SKU: 887

Rope Fish (Reedfish)

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $59.99

Product Details

Ropefish:   (Erpetoichthys calabaricus)

Grows to  15" in aquariums

A interesting bottom dwelling fish.

Tankmates:  They are peaceful toward medium size fish such as gouramis, sharks, swordtails, but may attack small fish such as guppies and neons. They will not nip fins, but they will swallow whole small fish.  Tank size should be 30 gallons or more.

Housing:  They spend most of their time on the bottom.  They should be provided with some hiding spots such as rocks, caves, or piece of driftwood.  (plastic driftwood is acceptable.)    They may be kept in groups of one or more. These fish are jumpers and must have a tight cover. Temperature -72-82.  pH 6.5-7.5

Feeding:  Feed standard foods with frozen bloodworms, live worms, and brine shrimp. They enjoy live guppies at night.  They are nocturnal feeders.

Notes:  These fish are members of the Polypteridae family which includes the Sailfins and Bichars. They are remnants of a primitive group of fish that was once very large and dates back 160 million years. They are native to Africa.  Ropefish can gulp atmospheric air and sometimes can survive in tanks with low oxygen levels.

Other Common Names:  Reedfish,  Dinosaur eel.
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