Oscar Cichlid - Med
SKU: 450X

Oscar Cichlid - Med

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $24.99

Product Details

Oscar Cichlid      ( Astronotus ocellatus )

Grows to 12"

General:  This is a very popular fish with personality.   They are quick growing and hardy.  They have a reputation for aggressiveness, but they are actually less aggressive than many other cichlids.   You can keep them in singles or groups.  Provide a large tank and keep them with similar sized cichlids.  Temperature 74-80.

Diet:  Like most cichlids they will accept a variety of foods such as cichlid pellets, cichlid flakes, frozen foods and krill.  To bring out the best color feed some color foods such as Tetra Bits  or Hikari Cichlid Gold.   Feed young fish 2-3 times daily.  Adults can be fed 1-2 times a day.

Compatibility:  They can also be mixed with similar sized cichlids, silver dollars, sharks, plecostomus,  gars and tin foil barbs.

Other Color and Fin Varieties:    Red Tiger Oscar,  Red Oscar,  Veiltail Oscar
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