Malawi Cichlid Community Tank
SKU: H746

Malawi Cichlid Community Tank

In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order

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Lake Malawi African Cichlid Community

Why Keep Them?  Lake Malawi in Africa contains a wealth of colorful freshwater cichlids. Many of the fish in this lake are found nowhere else in the world, and today they have become very popular aquarium fish. They are hardy, active, and very colorful. Today most of the cichlids offered for sale have been bred in domestic aquariums. A well stocked African cichlid tank will rival many saltwater aquariums in brilliant colors.

Housing:  Most of these fish grow to an adult size of 5 to 8".  To keep these active and colorful fish we advise at least 55 gallons.  A 60 to 100 gallon is even better to allow for future growth.  Small specimens can be housed in a smaller tank such as a 30 gallon temporarily until they grow bigger. Maintain good filtration with one or two power filters or canister filters.  Supplement the filters with an air pump and airstone.  Do regular partial water changes of 20% about every 2 weeks.  Provide plenty of caves and hiding spots. You can create natural looking settings by piling up lava rock or coral rock (tufa rock). The fish may disrupt live plants so plastic plants are the most practical. Large cichlids may rearrange your decorations by digging and tunneling.  Maintain a temperature of 70-80 degrees.

pH: Best results are obtained if you keep the pH alkaline (7.6-8.4). Purchase a pH high test kit such as "API High Range pH Test Kit", and check 1-2 times a month. We recommend Seachem "Malawi  Buffer" to help maintain the proper pH. Add some with each partial water change. Be sure to check your water parameters before adding either of these products to your aquarium.

Aquarium Salt: Some aquarium salt is beneficial. For best results use salt designed for African cichlid tanks. We recommend Seachem- "Cichlid Lake Salt." Follow label directions.

Substrate: You can use standard aquarium gravel, or you could use one of the specially designed gravels for African Cichlids. Specialty gravels look natural, and help maintain the alkaline pH.   Keep about a 1-2" layer. Stocking:  Keeping a tank of African cichlids is different than a traditional community tank.
1.  Keep them crowded so they will not fight-  If the tank is populated properly they do not defend territories.
2.  Add them in groups of 4 to 6 and stock the tank fully by 8 weeks.
3.  Be sure to have plenty of rocks and hiding spots in the tank.
4.  Use a biological starter such as Tetra Safestart to assure that the biological filter is ready for the fish.

Tips for keeping fish compatible: These fish live in great numbers on the rocky shores of Lake Malawi when they must compete fiercely for food and territories. They maintain very small territories but will attack other fish that come in their territory. To maintain harmony keep plenty of rocks with hiding holes. A well stocked (and crowded looking) tank will reduce fighting because the fish will lose their tendency to defend specific territories. Tanks that are only sparsely populated have more compatibility problems because one or two fish will come to dominate the tank and all others will be harassed and kept hiding. Because of the high bioload in plants it will provide a diet supplement.

Mbuna: A particular group of fish from Lake Malawi that prefer to call caves and rocks as their dwelling space. Smaller, and bit more aggressive.

Haplochromis: A particular group of fish from Lake Malawi that prefer the more open area where rock/gravel transitions to sand. Larger and a bit more peaceful.

Tank Mates: Below is a list of the most popular Lake Malawi Cichlids available in our store and their general appearance. There are many more species available than what this list is comprised of, these are merely the most popularly picked. Come into our store and speak to a sales associate and we would be happy to help you find the best species for your tank!

Acei Cichlid: Max size 6", both males and females have a dark blue/purple body and yellow fins.
Socolofi: Max size 6".  Dark blue in color with horizontal black stripes down its body. Albino version is available with a full white body and striking red eyes.
Yellow Lab: Max size 5". Bright yellow color with striking black dorsal and pectoral fins.
Bumble Bee: Max size 6". Yellow body with vertical black stripes resembling a bee.
Auratus: Max size 5". Yellow and horizontal black striped body.
Red Blotch Zebra: Max size 6". Bright orange to peach colored body with black splotchy patterns.
Kenyi: Max size 5". When young, all start off as blue, as they age, the females will become yellow, males will remain blue in color.
Blue Cobalt Zebra: Max size 6". A striking bright blue color.
Peacock Cichlid: Max size 10". Available in a wide range of colors from red to pink.
Malawi Bream Cichlid: Max size 13". Bright blue fish that will develop a red/orange tint in fins.
Borleyi Cichlid: Max size 9". Dark blue body with striking red fins.
White Blaze Cichlid: Max size 7". Dark blue body with vertical black striping. Dorsal fin will develop a white highlight.
Mloto Gold Crest: Max size 7". Dark grey to black body, with gold coloring developing between the eyes and the whole way past the pectoral fins. Venustus Cichlid: Max size 9-10". Yellow body with a blue face. Has the ability to develop a pattern similar to a giraffe, earning its other name, the giraffe cichlid.
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