Knifefish Care Tips
SKU: H784

Knifefish Care Tips

In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order

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General Info:   Knifefish make interesting additions to a community tank, or a nice show-fish in a specialty type tank. Some knives are native to Africa (African knife and the Clown knife) others come from South America (Black ghost knife and the glass knife).  They are most active at night.

Housing:  Most are secretive fish and try to avoid light, provide rocks and hiding spots so that they can hide during the day. These fish are quarrelsome amongst themsevles, so its usually best to keep one specimen per tank. Keep the tank tightly covered because they are jumpers. All knifefish are tropical and prefer to be in the temperature range of 75-80F.

Feeding:  For success with knifefish, special attention should be given to their feeding. Feed once a day. Most will not eat flake food, and they should be offered frozen or live brine shrimp. Supplement occasionally with live guppies, frozen plankton, frozen bloodworms, or Formula 1. Since most are nocturnal feeders, we recommend that twice a week you feed after you turn the lights off,  be sure to remove any uneaten food the next morning.

Knifefish, African (Kenomystus nigri)  Grows to 8"
Safe with fish of similar size; adults can be kept with large fish; once adapted hardy and long lived; provide hiding spots;  most active at night; quarrelsome among themselves; feed frozen foods

Knifefish, Glass Eigenmannia virescens Grows to 16"
Safe with fish of similar size. Adults can be kept with large fish. Make sure to provide hiding spaces, as this shy reclusive species will spend most of its time under cover. They are long lived and hardy once established, this species like other knifefish, can be quarrelsome amongst their own kind.

Knifefish, Black Ghost Eigenmannia virecens Grows to 16"
Safe with fish of similar size; adults can be kept with large fish; once adapted hardy and long lived; provide hiding spots; most active at night; quarrelsome among themselves; feed frozen foods, bloodworms

Knifefish, Carapo Gymnotus carapo Grows to 20"
Predatory fish that must be kept with cichlid-like fish of similar size. Hardy and long lived; provide hiding spots; most active at night; quarrelsome among themselves.

Knifefish, Clown  Notopterus chitala Grows to 30"
Safe with fish of similar size; once adapted hardy and long lived; provide hiding spots; most active at night; quarrelsome among themselves. Adult specimens (12" or larger) should be housed with large fish such as oscars, gars, and juruparis in tanks 100 gallons or more.
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