Gold Neon Tetra
SKU: 3863

Gold Neon Tetra

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $3.99

Product Details

(Beginners?-no )(Grows to -2")(Temp- 70-80)(How Many?- 3 or more, a schooling fish that does best in groups)   A very popular and colorful Tetra.  They do best when kept  with other small peaceful, and calm tankmates.  Do not mix with larger, more active fish.  A well planted tank with dark gravel is best. (pH-6.5-7.0) Feed soft foods, such as  flakes, micro pellets, frozen brine, bloodworms, Tank size- 5 gal or more.  A color variation of the Neon. (Paracheirodon innesi)
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