Gold Angelfish
SKU: 110

Gold Angelfish

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $7.99

Product Details

Angelfish     Pterophyllum scalare

Grows to: 6"

Hobbyist Level:  A hardy fish suitable for beginners.

How Many?  They are graceful swimmers and look good in groups of 4 or more. For best results, get a group of 6 or more angels and make them the primary fish in the tank.

Housing:   (Temperature- 75-85),  (pH 6.0-8.0)
Tank mates:  Angels are members of the Cichlid family. They are native to South America. Most angels offered for sale are domestically bred, and Elmer's buys most of our angels from local breeders. They are slow moving and compatible with similar sized fish. Just mix a few other fish with them. An "angelfish oriented tank" can be planted with some tall plants, and decorated with shale rock.  If you prefer to keep angels as part of a community tank here are some suggestions: gouramis, sharks, silver dollars, active tetras, swordtails, moons. Do not mix medium sized angels with guppies or neons. If an angel gets too big it may have to be separated. Angels are less likely to pick on other fish if they are in groups of 3 or more. Make sure all angels are of similar size
Feeding:  Feed standard foods at least twice a day. For extra growth and color feed a variety of foods.

Natural Habitat:  South America: Amazon River basin, in Peru, Colombia, and Brazil, along the Ucayali, Solimoes and Amazon rivers; rivers of Amapa (Brazil), Rio Oyapock in French Guiana; Essequibo River in Guyana.

Males and Females:  Angels are very difficult to sex. The best way to obtain pairs is to purchase 6 or more young ones. They will choose their own mates. Breeding often occurs in standard community tanks. Once a pair mates the same pair can be used again. They can breed as often as 5 times a year. They are open spawners and will often lay eggs on rocks or plants. If you notice eggs you can either separate the eggs or let them hatch on their own. If you separate the eggs provide a small tank with bare bottom, sponge filter, heater, airstone, and some methylene blue solution. If you decide to leave the eggs in the tank remove all other fish, and keep only the breeding pair. Eggs will hatch in 3 days. They will require live baby brine shrimp within 6 days of being laid. Refer to literature for more information.

Color Varieties:  There are many aquarium bred color forms and fin types. These include Marble Angels, Gold Angels, Half Black Angels, Black Angels, Veiltail Angels, as well as many new varietiesx
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