Diamond Tetra
SKU: 986

Diamond Tetra

out of stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $3.99

Product Details

Diamond Tetra    (  Moenkhausia pittieri )

Grows to: 2.5"

Hobbyist Level:  A hardy fish suitable for beginners.

How Many?  They are a schooling fish that should be be purchased in groups of 4 or more.  Six or more is best.

Housing: An active, fast swimming fish that prefers plenty of swimming room as well as lots of bushy plants for hiding.  They look good with a dark substrate and background.  They swim in the mid to upper region of the tank.  They enjoy a slow water current.  Minimum tank size is about 10 gallons. (Temperature- 74-82),  (pH 5.5-7.5)
Tank mates: They are peaceful fish that should be kept with other peaceful fish of similar size.
Feeding:  Because they are an active fish, they will do best if they receive many small feedings throughout the day.  They will accept a variety of foods.  Feed flakes, along with brine shrimp and frozen foods.  Tetras will show their best color after you have owned it for a few months and have given them a good diet.  They are an omnivore.

Natural Habitat:  Lake Valencia, Rio Bue, Rio Tiquiriti, Venezuela.   Fish sold at Elmer's are domestically raised.

Males and Females:  Females may appear more round bodied when plump with eggs.
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