Buttikoferi Cichlid
SKU: 329

Buttikoferi Cichlid

out of stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $14.99

Product Details

Buttikoferi Cichlid     (Tilapia buttikoferi)

Grows to: 12"

Hobbyist Level:  A hardy fish, but extremely aggressive.  Also known as butterkoferi cichlid.

How Many?  Can be kept as singles or in groups of at least three.

Housing: (Temperature- 72-78),  (pH 6.5-7.0)

Tank mates: This is an aggressive fish that mixes better with larger South American Cichlids than with other African Cichlids.

Feeding:  Standard cichlid diet, including pellets and flakes.

Natural Habitat:  Africa: Lower reaches of coastal rivers from Guinea-Bissau (Geba and Corubal Rivers) to west Liberia (St. John River).
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