Brilliant Rasbora
SKU: 876

Brilliant Rasbora

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $3.99

Product Details

Brilliant Rasbora     ( Rasbora borapetensis )

*  Hobbyist Level:  Beginner

*  Adult Size:  3"

* How Many:  Best in groups of 6 or more.

*  Housing:  Tank size 15 gal or more.  Provide bushy plants and an open swimming area.  pH 6.0-7.0

* Tankmates:  Keep them with other small peaceful fish.  Harlequin rasboras, scissortail rasboras, tetras, cherry barbs, white clouds, corydoras cats, otocinclus cats are some suggested tankmates.

*  Feeding:  Flakes, small granules, frozen mysis shrimp

* Scientific Name:  Rasbora borapetensis  They are members of the Cyprinidae family.

* Native Range:  Thailand and Malaysia

* Description: A light brown dorsal area, a white belly, the two regions being separated by a gold line black stripes running along the lateral line. A bright red tail.

* Notes:  This is a very popular, and pretty  fish that we usually have in stock.  They are a good choice for beginners.
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