Brichardi Cichlid
SKU: 324

Brichardi Cichlid

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $16.99

Product Details

This is a pretty fish native to Lake Tanganyika  Africa.  It is our best selling Tanganyikan cichlid because they are hardy,  colorful, mild mannered for a Tanganyikan cichlid and are suitable for smaller tanks (15 gal and up).

Description: The body body is elongated, gray with black patch on gill cover,  and white tips on  the fins,    Also called  the Lyretail Cichlid

Grows to: 3"

Housing:  The tank should be set up to house Lake Tanganyikan Cichlids. This would include crushed coral, or araganite substrate and plenty of rocks and caves to hide.  They need an area to retreat when needed.   They like to dig.  You can use live or plastic plants, as they do not eat plants.   If you want to try a small tank of Tanganikan cichlids these fish are good choices.  Good filtration is a must and frequent partial water changes are important

Tank Mates:  Relatively mild mannered.   They should be kept in groups. Other tank mates could include other  Neolamprologus cichlids and julidochromis cichlids.  A small tank with groups of these fish with carefully placed rocks and open spaces makes a beautiful set-up

Feeding: They wll accept a variety of foods.  Feed flakes, small pellets freezed dried and frozen shrimp and worms.  Be sure to provide greens.

How Many?  Best in groups of three or more.

Breeding: One of the easier Lake Tanganyika cichlids to breed. They are cave spawners, and will form pairs that will continue for life.  They make good parents.

Scientific Name: Neolamprologus brichardi
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