Betta Care Tips
SKU: H706

Betta Care Tips

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Betta Fish

Bettas (Betta Splendens) are beautiful and very popular aquarium fish. They are available in a wide variety of colors and fin shapes.  They are also called Siamese Fighting Fish.  Bettas have a special air-breathing organ (labyrinth) that allows them to take gulps of air.

Betta Set Checklist - we can help you put together a set for your betta -They require an aquarium of at least 2.5 gallons with a filter, light and heater.  A 5 or 10 or 20 gallon set is a popular size also. An example of a good tank choice is the Aquatop Pisces Aquarium set with built in filter and LED Light, or the Fluval Betta Premium Aquarium Kit.

-A thermostatic heater and thermometer is required - keep the temperature 76-82 degrees.

-Water conditioner and biological starter are necessary

-Gravel, plants, background, decorations.  Have fun decorating.

-Live plants should be part of a healthy betta tank.   They are decorative and provide a sense of well being for your betta.  Banana Plants and Moss Balls are very popular, and easy to keep. Other good choices include Anubias.  Leave the light on 8-10 hours a day for the plants.

-A few nerite snails are fun to watch and will eat algae

-Tanks smaller than 2.5 gallons are not recommended.

-It is recommended that Bettas be housed in an aquarium that has a tight fitting lid, as some bettas are jumpers. Researchers have suggested this may be due to their natural behaviors of jumping towards the surface to catch small insects for food.

Bettas in Small Unfiltered Fish bowls?  Bettas should not be kept in small fish bowls.
Bettas in Community Tanks?:  Bettas can be challenging to mix in a community tank.  If you do, keep them in tanks of at least 10 gallons, with small peaceful fish such as moons, or medium size tetras.  Avoid very small fish such as guppies or neons.  Also avoid active fish that may nip their fins. Keeping a betta in a community tank should not be attempted by a newer hobbyist.

Male Bettas:  Never mix two males together because they will fight.  Bettas normal life span is 2.5 -3.5 years.  Bettas sold at Elmer0s are normally 2-3  months old.

Female Bettas: If you want to keep female bettas in a group, we recommend at least 20 gallons, and keep them in groups of 4 or more for best behavior. Having a heavily planted aquarium with lots of hiding places is also essential to keep a successful sorority. Never mix male and female bettas together. (Unless for breeding purposes).

Feeding: Feed bettas once or twice a day. Buy a special food that is designed for bettas. We recommend Tetra BettaMin or Fluval Bug Bites Betta Pellets. They also enjoy frozen or freeze dried bloodworms. Observe your betta at feeding time.   Feed only as much as they will eat in two minutes, and remove any uneaten food with a fish net, siphon or turkey baster(for small tanks). To avoid overfeeding, be sure that only one person in the family feeds the fish. Overfeeding will make the water cloudy.  As a starting point feed two or three small pellets each day.

Maintenance:  Change 0 of the water every week or two.   Use tap water that has been  conditioned with a chlorine neutralizer such as 0Prime0 this product accounts for Chlorine, Chloramines, and Heavy Metals that your Betta(s) may be sensitive to.
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