Assorted Variatus Platyfish
SKU: 3899

Assorted Variatus Platyfish

out of stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $4.59

Product Details

Variatus      ( Xiphophorus variatus )

Grows to 2"

General:  Popular aquarium fish. Hardy, active, peaceful, and inexpensive. They derive their name from the variegated coloring of adults. They are members of the livebearer family (Poecilidae).
Compatibility:  Very peaceful Mixes well in most community tanks. Does well with swords, mollies, moons, tetras, gouramis, sharks, catfish. Does well in groups of 3 or more.

Tank Conditions:  Give them plenty of swimming room and some bushy plants for hiding. The addition of at least one tablespoon of salt per gallon is advisable. Maintain a temperature of 75-80 degrees. Many problems can be avoided by proper temperature and salt. Their tank should have a tight fitting cover.

Feeding:  Feed standard foods 2 or 3 times a day. Some greens in their diet is advisable.

Size/Growth:  Reaches full size at 3 months.

Longevity: 2-4 years.
Breeding/Sexing:  Males are more colorful. The anal fin of the male also develops into a pointed fin called a gonopodium which is used for fertilization.  Males are also smaller than females. Young variatus all look like females. They can be sexed at about 3 months of age. Females in advanced state of pregnancy can be determined by their rounded abdomen, and in some cases a dark gravid spot appears near the anal fin. For best results place the female in a separate 5 or 10 gallon tank filled with bushy plants. If that is not practical place the female in a net breeder or plastic breeding trap. Remove the female after the babies are born. Number of fry varies between 20-40 with an average of about 30. Feed fry 4-6 times daily with powdered food and baby brine shrimp. Brine shrimp are required for maximum growth. Frequent feedings and proper conditions are important to prevent stunted growth. Young can be added to tank with adults at about 6 weeks of age. Once fertilization takes place, the sperm is stored and can be used for up to 4 subsequent births. Gestation time averages about 5 weeks.

Color Varities:    Black, Sunset, Marigold
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