Assassin Snail
SKU: 4123

Assassin Snail

out of stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $3.99

Product Details

This snail will be peaceful towards fish tank mates, as long as they are not predatory. However, this snail will eat any other snails it finds within its environment. This snail relishes other snails for dinner, and will willingly rid your tank of troublesome Ramshorn Snails, Pond Snails and even full size Malaysian Trumpet Snails, they will hunt them down and suck them out of their own shells. When these are not available, it can be supplemented with pellet foods, they will also sift through detritus. If you overfeed the tank and there is leftover food left lying around, these snails will prefer that food source to other snails. Assassin Snail, Killer Snail, Bumble Bee Snail Not hermaphrodites, so need a male and female counterpart in order to reproduce. (Anentome helena)
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