African Butterfly Fish
SKU: 191

African Butterfly Fish

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $29.99

Product Details

African Butterfly Fish  ( Pantodon buchholzi )

An interesting surface dwelling fish.

Adult size: 4"

Tank Mates: These fish can be predatory toward small fish such as guppies or neons.  They do not bother fish swimming in the middle or bottom areas. They are usually compatible with similar size, peaceful  fish.  Suitable tank mates include gouramis, angelfish, kribensis, ropefish, corydoras catfish, mollies swordtails.  Do not put them in tanks with aggressive fish. They can be quarrelsome among themselves so give them plenty of room. Minimum tank size is 20 gallons.

Housing:   They should have calm, clean  waters, and some floating vegetation.    These fish are jumpers and require a tight cover. Temperature 75-80

Feeding:  Feed once or twice a day. They enjoy whole or chopped worms, frozen shrimp, frozen bloodworms, Formula 1, mosquito larvae, small crickets, or live guppies.  They eat from the surface.  In our store we feed freeze-dried plankton, and freeze-dried bloodworms which they take from the surface.
Natural Habitat:  Africa

Availability:  This fish is usually available at Elmer's
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